How to create your own company?
To create your own mining company, you need to build a mining company building in any district of the interactive Taxi-Polis map.
Starting your own mining company
Subsequent upgrades to your mining company's building will reduce the ore mining time for all company employees. Additionally, improving this building will also increase the number of influence points in the area, which will lead to an increase in your passive income from investments in virtual real estate in Taxi-Polis.
As you complete ore mining orders, your company will earn experience points. Upon reaching a certain level of experience, the company will have the opportunity to advance to a higher rank.
When your mining company ranks up, you will have the opportunity to mine more expensive ore and hire bulldozers of corresponding models, hire more employees, and increase the company’s warehouse capacity and improve other mining company bonuses.
To find out if you can rank up your company and what bonuses will be available at the next level, click on the icon with the arrow above the company's logo.
Next, to advance to the next level — if the company has met all the necessary conditions — click the "Go to Next Stage" button. The cost of the transition will be deducted from your mining company's main account.
Your employees can communicate in the chat available in the tab with the corresponding icon.
Create news for the company's employees in the news tab (with the newspaper icon).
Use the "Staff" tab (with the people icon) to pay employees, dismiss employees, change their salary percentage, create new vacancies, and respond to players who want to work for you.
To pay an employee, click the green button with the ruble sign, then click the "Pay" button in the expanded block.
To dismiss an employee or change their salary, click the button with the gear icon, enter the new salary value, and click the "Change Salary" button.
To create a new vacancy, as well as to change or activate old vacancies, go to the "Company Vacancies" link. Applications for your vacancies will be at the very bottom of the "Staff" tab.
Employee statistics and order history are available in the tab with the list icon. You can view statistics for the selected date range for all employees (opened by default) and for individual employees — to do this, go to the "Bulldozers" link and use the checkboxes with employee names, select the date range, and click the "Show" button.
You can change the name and description of your mining company, as well as upload a logo and change the background on the business page using the interface of the "Settings" tab (with the gear icon).
If you need to replenish the main account of the company or withdraw money to your personal accounts, as well as replenish the company’s crystal account, use the "Account" tab. This tab also displays information about the status of your mining company's warehouse. Working with the company's warehouse is similar to working with a personal ore warehouse.
How to sell ore from a mining company warehouse?
If you need to sell ore from your company on the exchange, go to the exchange through the company's "Account" tab.
Or select "Company Warehouse" on the ore exchange page.
The exchange for companies works exactly the same as when private individuals sell their ore on it.
How to increase the storage capacity of a mining company?
The capacity of the company warehouse is limited. There may be situations when your company's warehouse is completely filled with mined ore. In this case, any new ore that your company's employees will mine cannot be loaded into the warehouse — it will be lost.
To increase the capacity of the mining company's warehouse, build and upgrade the warehouse building. This will allow you to increase the warehouse size by +100 units!
Use bonuses for mining companies that will help you avoid such situations and improve your company's efficiency and income.
How to improve the performance of a mining company and increase income?
Explore and improve the bonuses of your mining company to enhance its performance and increase your income! Open the "Bonuses" tab on your mining company's page.
Bonus "Personal Trader" allows you to view the amount of ore in orders on the exchange placed by other players. It also reduces the cost of placing your own orders on the exchange.
Bonus "Warehouse Improvement" allows you to increase warehouse capacity and mine more ore.
Bonus "Company Storekeeper" allows the owner of the company to appoint storekeepers who can sell ore on the exchange on their behalf. The 4 levels of this bonus allow hiring from 1 to 4 storekeepers, respectively.
Bonus "Headquarters" allows your company's employees to seek assistance from the Dispatcher and receive various bonuses, from order execution time to tournament pricing.
How to increase the number of employees in a mining company?
The maximum number of employees increases as mining companies develop—from one rank to another.
Additionally, you can provide extra jobs in your mining company. To do this, you need to build a business building "Bulldozer Parking" on the interactive map of Polis and develop it.